New Year, New… Me?

New Year... New... Me? 


Sure, we can usually pick areas of self-improvement that time well with the New Year.  To make changes and promises that this New Year will be THE year, MY year.  But, does this expectation set us up for failure?  Do we bite off more than we can chew?   

We make a commitment to do and be better – but does this have to happen all at once?  Do we have to go from zero to one hundred?  Into an all or nothing battle with ourselves or does slow and steady really win the race?  Is it actually a mindset that we need to shift in order to really have an improved New Year? 

If we make a commitment to better ourselves and our mindset, then our behaviours and actions will follow.  Instead of making an unrealistic goal to exercise five days a week for one hour from previously doing nothing, why not just make the commitment to move – exercise?  It can be a 5min dance party, 15min walk or 30seconds worth of squats while waiting for the toaster to pop – isn't doing something better than nothing?  Being proud of any and all achievements, no matter how big or small, instead of punishing ourselves for not meeting our own unrealistic expectations that, in turn, foster a perspective of shame and disappointment, that often leads to us giving up all together. 

Absolutely set goals for the New Year – but make them kind and realistic so that they can become habits.  Make goals of positive self-talk, that doing something is better than nothing, and to stop and smell the roses instead of living life in a blur.  To practice deep breathing, self-love and body positivity, to be aware and conscious of eating habits, and exercise so that it feels good when the body moves.  There's no need for unrealistic expectations and it will be okay to slip up along the way – focus on getting back up and being kind to yourself.  Focus on the small things that will become habits for the future.

~ Lauren


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